The communication between the people is the most important developments in the history of humanity, there are hundreds of languages and the 10 most common languages in the world by number of native speakers are:

10 - French & Japanese

French      Number of speakers: 130 million

French the lovely language spoken in France, Rwanda, Canada, Belgium, Haiti and Cameroon.

Japanese   Number of speakers: 131 million

Japanese used only in Japan sound great in anime-manga.

9 - Malay-Indonesian

Number of speakers: 159 million

Most people believe that the Malay used only in Indonesia as the official language, but the fact that the language is widely used in Malaysia, Malay has many dialects and one of the most popular Indonesian language.

8 - Portuguese

Number of speakers: 191 million

The Portuguese descendant of the Latin language, it official language in Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola, "Guinea-Bissau" and East Timor.

7 – Bengali

 Number of speakers: 211 million

Bangladesh one of the countries where the population growth rate is relatively higher, so their language Bengali official occupies seventh place among the most spoken languages​​, the majority of speakers of Bengali living on Bangladesh, and some of them live in Pakistan and in some Indian states, as a state of Assam Indian and Tripura and West Bengal .

6 – Arabic

Number of speakers: 246 million

Arabic, one of the world’s oldest languages, is spoken in the Middle East, and North Africa, because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Moslems in other countries speak Arabic as well.

5 – Russian

Number of speakers: 277 million

Russian spoken not only in the Mother Country, but also in Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

4 – Spanish

Number of speakers: 392 million

The Spanish language used widely in about 24 countries in the world, this language closely related to the Portuguese language, there are currently 20 States considered to have Spanish as an official language, including all the countries of Latin America except for Brazil.

3 – Hindustani

Number of speakers: 497 million

This language is widely spoken in India and Bollywood present us this language with unique Indian art.

2 – English

Number of speakers: 508 million

English is the second most widely spoken language on the planet with the largest number of speakers in this list, there are a number of countries where the official language, English speaking countries are South Africa, Hong Kong, the Caribbean and Canada, Australia, Zimbabwe, United States and New Zealand, England and others.

1 – Mandarin

Number of speakers: 1 billion+

The most widely spoken language on the planet is based in the most populated country on the planet, Mandarin occupies the top of the list as the most widely spoken languages in the world, people often call it the Chinese language, but in fact it is one of the most known languages in China. 

Despite we speak hundreds of languages we should not forget

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