The communication between the people is the most important developments in the history of humanity, there are hundreds of languages and the 10 most common languages in the world by number of native speakers are:

10 - French & Japanese

French      Number of speakers: 130 million

French the lovely language spoken in France, Rwanda, Canada, Belgium, Haiti and Cameroon.

Japanese   Number of speakers: 131 million

Japanese used only in Japan sound great in anime-manga.

9 - Malay-Indonesian

Number of speakers: 159 million

Most people believe that the Malay used only in Indonesia as the official language, but the fact that the language is widely used in Malaysia, Malay has many dialects and one of the most popular Indonesian language.

8 - Portuguese

Number of speakers: 191 million

The Portuguese descendant of the Latin language, it official language in Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Angola, "Guinea-Bissau" and East Timor.

7 – Bengali

 Number of speakers: 211 million

Bangladesh one of the countries where the population growth rate is relatively higher, so their language Bengali official occupies seventh place among the most spoken languages​​, the majority of speakers of Bengali living on Bangladesh, and some of them live in Pakistan and in some Indian states, as a state of Assam Indian and Tripura and West Bengal .

6 – Arabic

Number of speakers: 246 million

Arabic, one of the world’s oldest languages, is spoken in the Middle East, and North Africa, because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Moslems in other countries speak Arabic as well.

5 – Russian

Number of speakers: 277 million

Russian spoken not only in the Mother Country, but also in Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

4 – Spanish

Number of speakers: 392 million

The Spanish language used widely in about 24 countries in the world, this language closely related to the Portuguese language, there are currently 20 States considered to have Spanish as an official language, including all the countries of Latin America except for Brazil.

3 – Hindustani

Number of speakers: 497 million

This language is widely spoken in India and Bollywood present us this language with unique Indian art.

2 – English

Number of speakers: 508 million

English is the second most widely spoken language on the planet with the largest number of speakers in this list, there are a number of countries where the official language, English speaking countries are South Africa, Hong Kong, the Caribbean and Canada, Australia, Zimbabwe, United States and New Zealand, England and others.

1 – Mandarin

Number of speakers: 1 billion+

The most widely spoken language on the planet is based in the most populated country on the planet, Mandarin occupies the top of the list as the most widely spoken languages in the world, people often call it the Chinese language, but in fact it is one of the most known languages in China. 

Despite we speak hundreds of languages we should not forget

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The assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy was 22/11/1963 in the state of Texas, specifically in the city of Dallas.

As for the cause of his assassination, there are three theories, not one of them has been proven:

- The wrath of some military leaders because of Kennedy's desire to pull from any intervention in Vietnam.

- The wrath of some leaders as cause to not destroy Cuba in the Bay of Pigs crisis.

- The wrath of the organized crime gangs that suffered heavy blows in the Kennedy administration.
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Sometimes blind person‘s eyes move kind randomly, or bleach, or with strange look, so when he wear dark glasses he protect himself of provisions.

Besides, for some blind people, even if they have the same look as normal people, their eyes usually out of focus and always look in one point. It make them look dull.

Moreover, as simple to keep rude people from staring.
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We all live in one world, but we are talking a very large number of languages, despite the difference of our languages, children begin their words by saying "Mama" as one of the first words whatever their language.

According to the Russian linguist Roman Jacobson, the easiest words for humans are the open vowels so the child vocalize sounds like Ah, when he grows up a little bit starts to practice pronunciation correct, but the rest of the characters start with characters requiring to close the mouth and lips such as “Mm” and “Bb” so that's why the child make the sound "Mmm" before opens his mouth to hear the magic word "Mama" or "Papa".

Besides research tells us that children are not intended to refer to his mother and father when he says “Mama" and "Papa", but refers to the food.
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This issue has been much discussed between experts; the general conviction is based on points including:

-A man more capable to work under pressure and tension, meanwhile In the home kitchen there is no tension witch make women skilled but in many hotels and restaurants, she fail to reverse their skills. 

- Women raised to be cooked and not for pay, unlike the man who takes it as a profession.

- Man with his character more adventure to find more experience in the cooks and food types.

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We watch movies in American cinema heroes in space they hear some sounds and the booms be pitched on a fictional planet, but is this possible? 

According to Physical analysis researcher Jonathan Strickland, who published in the site web How stuff works, that humans does not hear out of the atmosphere, Outer space does not contain the Matter that sound needs to move through it.

Jonathan added, "even if you saw a star explodes in front of you in outer space, you won't hear a voice"

About the presence of planets, stars not considered sufficient physical medium, the answer to this is "Outer space is so large to make these stars and planets almost non-existent."

Manual: you will not hear a voice in outer space without the use of additional technological tools to help you!
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Yes, humans can die from fear because the body produces a great amount of adrenaline when he felt very scared, which may be toxic if it increased the amount of adrenaline for a certain extent.

In the case of the reaction was strong cloud cause to the cardiac arrest, and death of the body.

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This is called Lethologica, which forget the word that you want to use it as a start.

This situation is a psychiatric disorder hinders the ability of expression or word's pronunciation or vocabulary because of the forgotten. For example, you may forget the name of a famous person and begin to remember its programs and its name, until someone help us a mention of his name.
This phenomenon has been scientifically characterization for the first time in 1913 by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

There are 3 reasons for this:

- Stress-physical fatigue

- The memory is full in a certain part of similar words.

- Social communication style in life.

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In fact, the Chips does not contain the air bag as many of us believe, but it contains nitrogen.

  Most of us believe that the manufacturer deliberately filled the air in order to deceive the consumer and does not discover that the amount of chips which very few. But the bag contains nitrogen and intended to preserve the crispiness of the chips, and without this nitrogen will not crispy chips.
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The letter c above the corporate logo or some products mean that this product has the ownership rights of the company or a particular registered legally and formally symbolizes the word COPYRIGHT.


  Rights, which determine the duration of use of the product and prevent copied or distributed to others as determined sometimes limited use of a particular category as students or companies.

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All kind of art and creativity found in the first day of April, including what did a man in the state of Alaska. when he spent a long time collecting tires near the nozzle of a volcano, and then ignited them on the first of April to deceive people of the region and the security men who thought that the volcano became active on the way to fling lava volcanic.

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LG has developed an advertising campaign for the new screens entitled "Ultra-Reality" for that the company luring people to a job interview, replaced the front window to ultra-screen, broadcast a simulation of the falling Meteor and colliding with Earth! 

Imagine yourself if you were in their place!

Funny, and very creative marketing, but if you did that to me i would not be responsible for my actions.


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